Sonny, Ava & Morgan
So…I thought Michael (Chad Duell) was going to find out that Sonny (Maurice Bernard) shot AJ, hate his guts and then Morgan (Bryan Craig) would have a shot at really being part of the family, but instead, Sonny’s relationships with all of his sons were shot to hell. I’m not totally mad about it either, in a twist. In a well-scripted, intense and beautifully performed scene, Sonny and Ava discussed their shared, mob-head burden of guilt, lies, loss and blood-shed and it emotionally peaked into sex. Tomb sex. After AJ’s funeral. “Well, that’s it; Sonny has officially screwed the Quartermaines,” a fan hilariously tweeted. Sonny had sex with Ava (Maura West) in front of Emily (whom he used to date) and Jason’s buried bodies. That’s not creepy at all, haha. Anyway, that scene got a standing ovation from me: Ava calling herself pathetic for being jealous of Kiki, smacking her head at the haunting thoughts stirring in her mind, her stone-wall defense mechanisms coming down- West is queen!! Although they were dressed when Morgan found them, he still realized what happened; he was angry, betrayed and heartbroken once again. 1st his brother Michael steals his girlfriend, and then his father sleeps with his new one. Sonny tried to keep his indiscretion from his current love, Olivia (Lisa LoCicero), but she got wind anyhow and was shattered; their son Dante (Dominic Zampronga) was naturally furious with his papa. I found it so annoying that Olivia wasn’t mature enough to just leave Dante out of it, knowing that he already has fickle relationship with Sonny. This leaves Michael, who again, will undoubtedly be enraged when he learns how his biological father, AJ, died. A son-less Sonny (which is an interesting concept) presents another great opportunity to bring back his only daughter, Kristina, but hey, I guess I’m asleep.
Morgan once again underestimated the nerve of mobsters and told Julian (William Devry) that Ava was working as an informant for Sonny. Sonny whisked Ava away to his private island to escape threat and told her she could come home once Julian was arrested and his organization was taken down by collaborating with the PCPD for a drug bust (more on this in a moment). Little does Ava know it will be far from safe to come home, as Julian’s boss, presumably Luke Spencer (he may be being impersonated), is still at large and Carly and Franco have evidence that she killed Connie, Sonny’s former fiancé`. For the last few editions of LIPC, I have wondered what’s going to become of Ava with all of her resources rapidly running out. I love the character and definitely adore the actress, so I hope Ava Jerome isn’t leaving Port Charles anytime soon. As for Morgan, the other character I’ve been rooting for, there is still no justice. Sure, he’s had plenty of camera time and been a part of major storylines, but none of them were really centralized on him and established him as an eminent figure. Since his aged return (AKA SORAS) last year, Morgan has been used chiefly as a plot device and propelling stool for other characters. Additionally, there’s been no legitimate recompense for the wrongs done against him, unlike for other characters. Without earning it, Michael received Morgan’s forgiveness and Kiki, his confidence and physical protection. Despite this, Kiki (Kristen Alderson) denied Morgan somewhere to stay when he moved out of Ava’s home (5/6), and when he was reluctant to keep the tomb-sex news from Michael, she still had the nerve to say “He [Michael] takes care of you all the time…for once…take care of your brother.” What?! As if Morgan owes Michael anything! Also, last time I checked, stealing your brother’s girlfriend is not taking care of him. Outside the motive of turning the holy son against his father, I don’t see why Morgan sought to move in with Michael and Kiki in the 1st place. The lesser evil would the large and frequently abandoned home of his mother Carly (Laura Wright), or at best, his 1st-cousin Molly’s house, but I guess I’m in a deep sleep. Like Sam was a few months ago, Carly’s too busy running around with her ill-matched beau, Franco (Roger Howarth), to be written into her family affairs (more on that in a moment too).
Nurses Ball 2014
The glitz! The glamour! The fun! The guaranteed storyline punch! I love the Nurses Ball! I’m convinced the guy that does the red carpet interviews is the one impersonating Luke: he’s seems to have an uncanny knowledge of everything that intimately happens in Port Charles and is always throwing shade at Sonny. I’m kidding; I don’t really think it’s him. The opening (5/8) was one of the best ever! Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) slayed! She gave me sex, she gave me Broadway and she gave me “Cabaret!” It was delightful! I felt sorry for her during “You Were Always on My Mind” (5/13) when she was pleading to her kids, Britta and Nathan, who recently discovered they were siblings after nearly sleeping together. How cute and endearing was the scene where Nathan tells Britt she was his sister? The way Britt walked away was priceless. I know this is for the sake of the story, but Nathan (Ryan Paevey) having so much hated for Obrecht doesn’t all the way connect. Should he be horrified and apprehensive to be near her? Yes, that would make sense, but he hates her as if she did something personally awful to him. I was stunned to see Britt (Kelly Theibaud) give her mother such a sudden cold shoulder, given all the bonding they were doing a short time ago. Bi-polar writing there. I love the new BFF-ness between Britt and Brad (Parry Shen). The scenes where they, along with Nikolas and Spencer, took turns consoling each other when seeing their respective loved ones partying at the ball were really sweet and funny. I also enjoyed Britt telling Felix and Lucas what for about forgiving Brad (5/9). Oh, and Victor Cassadine might be Nathan’s dad (5/1). Yeah, mm-hmm. The plot thickens. Back to Obrecht’s 2nd performance, I cackled when Obrecht was introduced as “Adele Dazeem,” the Oscar-flubbed John Travolta translation of actress Idina Menzel’s name.