Robin, Patrick & Sabrina
December 1-6 had a lot of “first time in a long time” moments. For the first time in a long time, I was glued to my screen for an entire week of “General Hospital” as Robin (Kimberly McCullough) finally reunited with her husband and daughter, Luke Spencer and Jerry Jax (Anthony Geary, Sebastian Roche) had a face-off (with Bobbie in the middle) that ended in falling over the Metro Court roof and Anna and Robert (Finola Hughes, Tristan Rogers) brought Robin’s prime captor to a dark fate of justice (loved all the action!). Starting with Robin’s return (long story short, she was held captive to brew a cure for an ill villain and her family thought she was dead for 2 years), the second “first time in a long time” was that a drawn out episode was (so) worth the wait. On 12/2, we watched in agony for the whole hour, as Robin stood outside of the chapel doors and quietly gazed at Patrick (Jason Thompson) going on with his wedding vows to Sabrina (Teresa Castillo). Just before they were pronounced husband and wife, Robin’s daughter, Emma, saw her and said “Mommy??” The little bundle of cuteness ran down the aisle into her mother’s arms (in slow motion of course; it was a nice GH history nod to Anna reuniting with a young Robin years ago) and Patrick looked on frozen in shock. Sabrina, although happy for Patrick and Emma, was devastated and collapsed into Felix’s arms on 12/3, assuming that Patrick would leave her; especially after the passionate kiss he and Robin shared. Robin literally had to remind Patrick that he was in the middle of getting married. When she mentioned it, he had this “What? Getting married? Oh, yeah…” look on his face. Very little was wrong with how these episodes were written and it gave these fabulous actors an opportunity to earn some Emmy nods (Jason Thompson rocked that ish like no other!). Every minute was so emotional; I was on the floor and couldn’t take any more! I was elated to see the writers come up with a happy medium (it was past a happy medium; it was gloriously joyful) to Robin’s reunion that didn’t A) drag the storyline past the ceremony, B) involve a cliché` wedding interruption, C) have Patrick coming off like a butthole and D) involve unnatural reactions from the characters (except for the very unusual calmness the wedding guests had to a beloved “dead” woman appearing and the lack of consoling offered to an audibly sobbing Sabrina).
My heart still broke for Sabrina (as anticipated) and I loved the tender, relatable friendship scenes between her and Felix (Marc Samuel). Felix said everything I could imagine my friends saying in that kind of situation. I particularly liked “You’re allowed to hurt. This isn’t fair, you can say it: This. Isn’t. Fair.” There were so many lines that made me feel worse for Sabrina than I already did; the most rending one was “After everything we had to overcome to get here, Patrick still isn’t mine and he never will be!” Patrick eventually spoke to both Robin and Sabrina privately and told them he needed time to think about what and how he was going to do things; obviously he couldn’t be with both of them. I about died of laughter when, despite not making a decision, Patrick expected Robin to come home with him and Robin flatly told him no. I don’t blame her a bit for saying that! Dr. Drizzy also got a snapback from Sabrina when he tried to have his cake and eat it too, which I have to say, I like this sudden feisty and assertive side of Sabrina (a side that also came out in a woman-to-woman talk with Robin, which I’ll get to). It’s understandable that Patrick wouldn’t make a choice instantaneously, but to try to have 1 woman come home with you and convince the other there’s still a chance is just wrong.
On 12/19, Patrick showed up at Sabrina’s apartment after having a conversation with Sam about how he already knew what to do, he just had to do it (I like the friendship the writers have built between them, by the way). It appeared he had chosen Sabrina (effective holiday cliffhanger), but he was there to inform her that he was going to be with Robin (it was sad, but yay Scrubs!). Just when we thought the worst was over, Sabrina abruptly got nauseated on 12/27 and thinks she may be pregnant (Patrick just asked Robin if she wanted to have another child too). It wouldn’t be a soap opera if Scrubs (AKA Patrick and Robin) didn’t encounter immediate drama, but a romantic tug-of-war with Sabrina is not the way to go for a couple of reasons: A) if the writers wanted us to believe that Patrick’s heart is close to split even between Sabrina and Robin, they should’ve laid the ground work much earlier. Out of nowhere, Patrick repeatedly said “things weren’t the same” in regard to Robin and that he couldn’t just start where he left off with her, but up to the minute of his attempted marriage to Sabrina, he was looking for Robin and hoping she was still alive. He only removed his old wedding bands, ripped up plane tickets for a trip never taken and proposed to Sabrina after pressure and boasting from her rivaling ex, Carlos (Jeffery Vincent Parise), and disappointed glances from the young nurse. Robin practically had to make Patrick go to Sabrina to talk when the wedding crashed and burned. B) We didn’t wait all this time for Robin’s arrival for her to not be with Patrick and C) this isn’t a real love triangle. The best triangles are those in which both pairings are viable, unique, significant, have history and create fierce debate among viewers.