Why pick/hand squeeze 100 oranges for juice when you can buy a ready-to-go gallon at the store? Thus, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Don’t roll your eyes. It’s a cliché and a saying for a reason. Most humans are not going to put in any more than what THEY DEEM necessary to attain a certain thing. So, if something is free, you can bet your life they aren’t going to work for it. Don’t expect someone to work for your free goods. “Oh, I’m sorry Oprah, I can’t take a weekly million dollar stipend from you for nothing; I need to work for it.” GET OUTTA HERE! GET REAL GIRL! A man who’s getting your FREE goods is not going to beg you to work to earn them.
Now when I speak with other women about why they give away something unearned, they often tell me it’s because they are expecting to get something they want (which is usually a commitment or an exclusive relationship) in exchange. Agreeing to an exchange is like signing a contract-you’ll be obligated/or expected to give or do a certain thing in order to receive. For someone who doesn’t want to work or wants something for free, an exchange agreement is not going to be of interest. If you want water, don’t go to the desert. If you’re looking for an exclusive or committed relationship, seek others who want the same thing. Seek like-minded individuals; otherwise, you simply won’t get what you want. Men make it abundantly clear, either through their words or actions, what their plans or intentions with you are. It’s YOUR responsibility to heed to their message. Don’t try to MAKE something work that’s not supposed to. Yes, there are some men that purposely manipulate or “play” women, but most of them make it clear what page they’re on. Men don’t hide much in that sense. So pay attention, believe people when they show you who they are and LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS. Women have AMAZING instincts, and we listen to them less than half of the time. So, what’s the moral to this story? Stop giving away things unearned, stop seeking commitments from people who are less than interested in making one, and listen to your instincts. The end.