Likes: Paradise, Us Against the World, Up in the Flames
Dislikes: Princess in China
Overall: Strong concept album with a new sound and only a few dull spots.
Coldplay experiments with a little electro-pop, acoustic-folk and hip-hop on “Mylo Xyloto,” the concept album reportedly centralizing on a love story with the backdrop of the American Graffiti and White Rose Nazi-Germany movement. Known for their somber, alternative work with symbolic and pensive lyrics, this album might come as a surprise for fans of the band as “Mylo” is a deviation in production. The LP is very contemporary, incorporating the mainstream sounds of hip-hop and techno (ex. “Paradise,” “Princess in China”) and most of the songs being lively and mid to up-tempo. Some tracks have an older, 60’s rock sound, as only appropriate for a project with an anti-establishment theme. Speaking of the theme, the concept is intriguing but isn’t obvious and completely cohesive. It just seems like the songs go back and forth in topic between love and society. The lyrics are generally well-written, vague in spots. Aside from a few tracks running together, the record is an intriguing piece of music.