According to the biography on your official site, you relocated to Los Angeles, California in 2010 to further pursue a career in music. Can you tell us what your journey has been like since the move? What has worked and what hasn’t?
RB: The last two years have been, by far, the hardest and most rewarding years of my life. My family and I have become a tight unit. We've really been forced to adapt and accept some seemingly unusual circumstances. The 7-day move out here was when it really set in that, "Okay, this is going to be much more difficult than I realized,” but somehow, things have always worked out. We've moved a few times since relocating to California and the situation has always seemed so impossible, yet it still manages to unfold in our favor. I actually started high school when we first moved out here and quickly realized that I didn't have time for both. I couldn't completely focus on my music and my career with 4 hours of homework every night. So, I decided to start homeschooling until I could graduate early, which I did in March of this year. Even though that wasn't my original plan, it ended up working out for the best. That's really what the last couple of years have been; kind of rolling with the punches and figuring out what's best for that time and what needs to be done to continue to move forward. It really has been an incredible adventure, and regardless of what happens in the future, I am a better person today because of this move.
How would you describe your sound and writing style?
RB: I would definitely say that when it comes to my writing style, I tend to use some of the same arrangements. I like for the song to build up, or to go through a story. I want the listener to feel different at the end of the song than they did at the beginning; like a change has happened or a new level of understanding. Genre wise, I kind of flow through different ones; I'm not too concerned with labeling my music as a specific type. It could be hip-hop or alternative, as long as I'm vibing with it, then I'm happy. However, I do know that my music always comes out with that same feeling of deep emotion and intense atmospherical energy- I often use the term "Out of this galaxy." Sometimes it's a sweeter, playful energy and sometimes it’s a bit darker and kind of deceiving. I just want my music to create a type of ambiance around the listener; a spell of sorts.
Some would argue that because you’re just 17, you wouldn’t have much to sing or write about of depth. How do you respond to that argument?
RB: I feel like whether or not my music is liked by audiences is more based on if a particular person is feeling my song or not; not on my age, or the age I was when I wrote the song. I also feel that we all have different paths and journeys. People may assume I may not be very wise because I'm only 17, but that’s a misconception. I've been through hard times just like any other person. Just because I'm not 30, [it] doesn't mean I'm a fool about life and hardships. I also think my generation in particular is more up front about how they're feeling; my youth is also the reason I'm able to share my thoughts in such a straightforward manner. Naivety may play a part in my ability to say what I want; the fear of rejection isn't as prominent for me as it is in adults. In my opinion, writing or expressing yourself shouldn't have age restrictions. One could even argue that I'm the perfect age to be an artist and songwriter.
If nothing else, what do you want your audience to understand about you?
RB: The main message I want my audience to associate with my name or music is honesty. I would like for people to hear my songs and at the end be like, "That's truth; she is so real." I hope that people will feel happier after listening to me sing, as if they are doing something positive. The truth will indeed set you free.
What are your ultimate goals as an artist? Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
RB: I definitely do want to be a popular artist, someone who is known internationally. I want to touch as many lives as I can. I also hope to be known not only for music, but for film, television and philanthropy. I want to do good deeds and be an ambassador of light.
Why do you think people should listen to your music?
RB: Well, why not..? I'll listen to yours if you listen to mine.