Alexis & Julian, Molly & TJ, Ric
I love it when things shake up with the Davis girls as a whole! Alexis and Julian have been having heart-to-hearts and near sexual encounters, Molly is being fast, Ric is back in town and Sam is oblivious to it all (I can’t wait ‘till she finds everything out)!
I really like how the writers have developed ‘JuLexis (Alexis and Julian);’ they’ve gradually built the pair and given context for their closeness and chemistry, unlike with Britt and Nikolas (they’re supposed to be madly in love, but you don’t know why and their entire relationship has been on fast-forward). I also like how I feel completely conflicted about them as a couple: I love and hate the JuLexis concept, which translates into me keeping close watch to see which side wins out. Loves: the characters gel very well interpersonally and it’s sweltering. Hates: Julian (William Devry) is 90% snake and Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) has been written as a hypocrite long enough (about 10 years or more). She’s cried ‘slut’ at other female characters and vilified organized crime, but she can’t resist easily dropping her panties at the whims of a mobster or shady Grady (not to mention she’s a mob lawyer). I’m still hoping there will be a scene where Alexis’ ex, Sean, who got dumped for being Sonny’s hitman, calls her out for playing with Julian. After which, she should get chewed out by her eldest daughter, Sam (Kelly Monaco), as Julian selfishly bartered with Danny’s (Sam’s infant son) life to avoid Sonny’s bounty for his head (Julian’s marrow donation cured Danny of cancer). It’s been all quiet on the western front for Alexis and Sam after years of turbulence, but smoke is bound to fill the air again with Julian and Alexis’ ex-husband, Ric (who cheated by having a 1-night stand with Sam), on the turf. The thought of Ric brings me to their precious daughter Molly….
Following a good year of not-so-subtle hints, TJ (Tequan Richmond) finally got his way: Molly (Haley Pullos) said she was ‘ready’ to have sex. With the help of an overly relaxed Olivia, TJ rented a room at the Metro Court and the teens were ready to start their engines. Rafe (Jimmy Deshler), who’s unsuccessfully vied for Molly’s heart, spotted them in the lobby and ran to Alexis’ home to give her the 411. Alexis dashed out of the door with Julian and arrived at the hotel room before any sex could occur. Molly had the nerve to stand in her teddy (I tweeted “Oh look, it’s an infant in lingerie”) next to a shirtless TJ and disrespectfully challenge her mother, bringing up Alexis’ youthful indiscretions. Alexis took Molly to task and thankfully didn’t back down; it was a fantastic scene. When the shock of Ric’s (Rick Hearst) presence wore off (he’s been away from PC for 5 years), Alexis hoped to get some parental back-up with Molly, but Ric decided to brown-nose and pretended to support Molly’s actions (which included lying about going to SAT prep with a female friend). Just as I was basking in the glow of Alexis asserting herself, it was in the script that she backpedal and start to believe everyone else’s opinion that she overreacted. “UGH! I hate how they always have Alexis feeling bad for doing her job and being a PARENT. She shouldn’t regret her actions at all,” I tweeted. I have so many frustrations with how this great character, portrayed by an incredible actress, is scripted. Alexis rarely stands up for herself, and when she does, she ends up bemoaning it.
The #1 thing bugging me about Sonny’s (Maurice Bernard) current storyline is how his prime baby-mama and partner in crime, Carly (Laura Wright), was kidnapped and nearly murdered by a psychopath and he has yet to really give a darn. He passively searched for her, never confronted Franco (who was accused of kidnapping her) or clocked any hours at the police station and barely threw any glitter when she was found to be alive. He hasn’t even visited her in the hospital. Did the writers purposely ignore their pivotal connection to bring more attention to Carly and Franco’s relationship or was it an oversight? I’m not sure which would be worse. I’m going to assume it was an oversight since the power of ‘CarSon’ was used to get Sonny back on his bi-polar medication amid grieving Connie’s death. It was so agitating to watch scene after scene of Sonny mushing-up with Olivia and go on and on about Julian while Carly was sitting up in a hospital bed. Yes, the threat of Julian is great, but Sonny’s been known to multi-task, especially when there was no real confirmation that Julian had nothing to do with Carly’s disappearance until later. The supreme exasperating moment was when Sonny and Olivia had a date at the Metro Court. Carly was still missing and ‘SoLivia’ were sipping wine and again, talking about Julian, in the hotel Carly owns. It was crazy. I don’t care about Sonny being in a relationship right now, honestly. A relationship is not needed; he has plenty of more interesting things on his plot-plate and Olivia is becoming more of a nuisance than useful. When Olivia appears, she usually functions as airtime-filler (which often results in her sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong) or what I call a “connector;” she receives information as a 3rd party and passes it to another character who could use it. For example, Olivia saw Morgan talking to Scott shortly before the race for District Attorney ended. She mentioned this to Sonny, and it inadvertently helped him figure out that Morgan and the Jeromes were involved in the election outcome. Having no plotline of her own, she frequently is a distant supporting character in everyone else’s story. I understand it’s difficult to give every character a story full-time, but I hope Olivia gets thrown a bone. As for Ric being the undercover funder of Julian’s organization, I am so thrilled about this. Sonny and Ric’s sibling rivalry (Ric is Sonny’s half brother on his mother’s side) has always been of epic proportions, so grab the popcorn.
Robin & Patrick
*Sings in Fantasia voice* “When I think about you it’s bittersweet, it’s bittersweet…”
By the next edition of “Lunch in Port Charles,” Robin (Kimberly McCullough) will be gone (we wish you luck Kim and hope to see you again very soon!). McCullough said in an interview that her exit would involve her love for another character on canvas and that it would upset viewers. I didn’t take this statement too seriously because I thought she was referring to Robert (portrayed by Tristan Rogers, who was also leaving the show; it seemed like a perfect exit strategy) and meant that her leaving would upset fans by default. Boy, was I wrong. Victor Cassadine, who secretly heads the CIA-like WSB, wanted Robin to work on a formula to revive his frozen ‘dead’ relatives, Stavros and Helena, and used Jason as incentive. Yes, Victor claimed that Jason survived being shot by Cesar Faison in 2012 and is on ice. No one, not even fans of Jason, Jason & Robin or Jason & Sam, liked this because we knew Patrick (Jason Thompson) would lose it. Patrick never cared for Jason, and as you may recall, Robin trying to save Jason’s life is how she was presumed dead and held captive for 2 years (Robin went into a lab on the verge of explosion to reserve a treatment protocol for Jason’s brain surgery). Robin leaving to help Robert (who was going to save Ethan from peril) would’ve been the less stressful route and easier on the ears of fans, but the writers opted to have Robin go out with a bang of a little conflict, a touching love scene and a possible re-entrance storyline that could be quite dynamic, should the role of Jason be recasted. When I considered that bigger picture and the wonderfully-written scenes that went with it, the pill was easier to swallow. Robin and Patrick’s argument on 2/18 was so brilliant and pulling (Give Jason Thompson an Emmy ASAP!); it was handled so well. ‘Scrubs’ aired out things long thought and held-back: Patrick’s aggravation and resentment over Robin’s loyalty to Jason and Robin’s frustration and confusion over Patrick’s seemingly insensitive attitude and disregard for her history with Jason. The description I gave of their dispute doesn’t do it justice; so much ground was covered, including Robin’s parenting priorities and Patrick’s love for Sabrina. I loved how the fight was written with neutrality; there was no ‘winner’ or ‘bad guy’ and you could understand the feelings of both parties. Not wanting to waste any of their last night together, Robin tried to calm Patrick down and asked that they make love. The way she asked was so sexy and romantic; it was fire! It was everything! The scene was shorter than I would’ve preferred, but it was beautiful nonetheless (it was also a great alternative to Molly and TJ attempting to get under the sheets).
Man, I’m really wondering how things are going to turn out in this department. Ava Jerome (Maura West) and her half-brother Julian somewhat recruited a scorned Morgan (Bryan Craig) into joining their organization against his father, Sonny. After accidentally shooting a family friend, Morgan returned to his father, at which point, he was commanded to end his torrid, burgeoning love affair with Ava. Both of them heartbroken and desperate, the couple came up with a plan that Ava would switch sides and betray Julian. Ava gave Sonny a flash-drive full of pertinent information he could use. So far, she’s gone undetected by Julian. On the other side of her devious life, AJ Quartermaine (Sean Kanan) has realized that Ava is the one who killed Connie Falconeri, Sonny’s former fiancé. Long story short, a drunk, gun-carrying AJ threatened Connie the night of her death, but he couldn’t remember if he actually murdered her or not, but it’s all come back to him now (Celine Dion pun intended). Ava has covered her bases in terms of evidence, but to make sure, she put out a hit on AJ that didn’t turn out well. Ava’s ex-lover, Silas Clay (Michael Easton) is also actively pursuing Ava as a murder suspect in the attempted killing of his wife, Nina. Given that Ava seems to be a fairly-popular newer character (I really love the character/actress myself, as well as her relationship with Morgan), I’m keen on seeing how the writers will get her around burning her entire candle. Julian definitely won’t help her, Sonny will want to kill her, Morgan could potentially hate her and she might end up in jail on 2 murder counts (for the record, I don’t think she’s the one who tried to kill Nina). This might sound horrible, but I hope she gets out of it all. Ryan White-Nobles of TV Source Magazine asked a very interesting question: he wondered if Sonny would spare Ava’s life if Morgan asked, just like he spared AJ’s at Michael’s request. Granted, Michael (Chad Duell) was pleading for his biological father’s life and the situation is a bit different, but it does make one curious.
Other Notes
Britt, Nikolas & Liz, Dante & Lulu
Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) noticed that Dante (Dominic Zampronga) and Britt’s baby boy, Ben, have the same allergy. Factoring in Britt’s deceitful history, her access to Dante and Lulu’s DNA (she’s their doctor) and elusiveness about who Ben’s parentage, Lizzy quickly gathered that Dante might be the father. Teaming up with Felix (Marc Samuel), Liz gathered Dante’s water bottle and hair from Ben’s brush and performed a paternity test. Once her theory was proven, she confronted Britt (Kelly Thiebaud) on Valentine’s Day with a copy of the test, vowing to tell Nikolas, Dante and Lulu. The 2 enemies got in a brief, but entertaining scuffle. Finally, Britt’s almost-year-long baby secret was going to be out, right? Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. For some reason, Liz nonsensically assumed that Britt stole Dante’s sperm instead of one of Dante and Lulu’s embryos. This gave Britt another open opportunity to lie. She told her new fiancé` (and Lulu’s brother), Nikolas, that she took a random sample from the hospital lab and had no idea it belonged to Dante. Dante and Lulu were upset for a hot second, but like Nikolas, their anger quickly subsided. I rolled my eyes so hard. Why are they dragging this out? Has this storyline not been pulled far enough across the land? Is this just so Lulu and Dante will have some more marital strife (Lulu is disheartened that she couldn’t bear a child for Dante) and Nikolas and Britt will make it down the aisle? If the writers are trying to build a bigger bomb, I guess I won’t be too annoyed, but it needs to go off soon.
Carly, Franco & Heather
The main reason I wanted to talk about this trio is because I wanted to give praise to Laura Wright. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: she is a phenomenal actress. Why doesn’t she have more Emmy’s again? Carly’s kidnapping plotline started to sag, lag and drag, and finally, it just died, but Wright was able to breathe a little life into it with her performance. Sometimes with the way things are written or portrayed, you can forget that the moment is supposed to be highly emotional. Carly was helplessly lying under collapsed wood and Heather (Robin Mattson) was about to stab her. When a grounds inspector appeared, Heather killed him. Thinking the man was her last salvation, Carly distraughtly wept. Suddenly entranced, I thought “oh, wow, yeah, that’s right, Carly IS facing death.” Wright brought me back to the reality of her character’s plight again when Franco (Roger Howarth) arrived to save her and she moaned and cried of both pain and relief. Bravo as usual, Laura.
Well, that was a great lunch, but I have to hit the road now. I’m going to pick up Kristina Corinthos Davis from college; Davis family drama wouldn’t be the same without her.