![]() BEES! This is YOUR chance to share your excitement & love and personally congratulate Beyonce` on her pregnancy!! Comment on this blog post to leave your personal message for the King B. ALL of the messages will be compiled in a decorative notebook and sent to a source where Bey is likely to receive it (I was considering sending it to the Dereon chief offices if I cannot find Beyonce's new management contact information.) If you have any suggestions of where to send the book, hit the "Contact/Info" tab on this site and fill out the form. DO NOT leave your suggestion with your personal note. Please refrain from using explicit language in your personal message. Until further notice, the last day for message collection is January 30th. Time to pollinate, bees! Spread the word about this post! Also, join my Beyonce` Facebook fan community at facebook.com/beyoncesbeehive. :)
fatu sankoh
8/30/2011 02:10:19 pm
i am so happy for you and jay i am still on cloud 9 may god continue to bless you jay and baby you were so beautifuland on point on the vma their is no one like you i wish you all the success long happy life ever lasting long happy maried
Shannon Spiers
8/30/2011 02:27:55 pm
Hey Queen B, congradulations on your's and Jay's pregnancy, you deserve it after all these years of hard work, i am so excited, i know that you've always wanted a baby =], i was really hoping to see you live this year, because depressingly i haven't seen you live yet. But i have every concert dvd you've released so ill last another year =]
Angelica Nichole Mcclain
8/31/2011 12:22:55 am
Congrats to my favorite couple on your pregnancy. Beyonce you will be a good mom and jay you will be the best dad ever. When I saw your vma performance I cried tears of joy Im so happy for the both of you. I am so in love with 4 I play the album every day and I love it so much.You are such an beautiful person with a beautiful sprit and I love you for that. ps so excited for a star is born to come in 2013 cant wait to see it. but anyway get plenty of rest and take care and I love you so much
Aisha Jackson
8/31/2011 01:58:42 am
Beyonce and Jay,
8/31/2011 02:21:53 am
Beyonce I am so proud of you. You are the King B & you keep doing what you normally do because it makes success. All these years you showed us what music is all about. You change the future of music. I love the new album & it is the best! I wish the best for you, your husband, and the baby. God gave you a beautiful present . You are very creative & no one can stop you. You are very strong. You have created a character that can sing, dance, & act. You are the next Female Michael Jackson. Good luck with the baby!
8/31/2011 04:23:51 am
Hey B i'm that boy at GMA in Central Park backstage outside with a blackberry phone a green poster a monkey shirt hair cut waving to u excitedly I LOVE U SO MUCH SINCE AGE OF 2 i hope u remember me ur the best fine awesome celebrity wat i think about the LOT live performance was so sexy of u dropping ur Mic stripping ur jacket and rubbing ur belly #EPIC im so exited for u and jay even tough thats not my child (I'm 13 years old) ya gonna be the best parents ever babe i want u to eat and eat as much as u want to give ur baby and if u want a homemade meal plz contact me [email protected] and i hook u up with my mom's food i pray for u jay and jayonce every night and ur baby is gonna be the talent baby ever i hope its twins a boy and a girl and god bless u all i hope u enjoy and read this u inspire me and my family and disapoint im sorry about ur leaks of ur albums cause i supported and i love every work of yours and babe take ur time cause i know we have to wait another year for the tour but take ur time cause u have to take care the baby but i will start saving and come to the next one love to u foreva and now math had change cause of u now its 1+1=3 bye love
9/4/2011 05:36:42 am
Beyoncé, I just want to let you know that I'm so proud of you and congratulate you and Jay-Z with your pregnancy! You are my role model from as long as I can remember and I love every song on your new album '4'. My favorite is 'I Was Here' & "Schoolin' Life'. You made me want to dance again. I danced since I was a kid and because of you I'm dacing like never before! Thank you and I wish you good luck in the future!
9/4/2011 08:05:32 am
Beyonce has helped me so much, especially by releasing 'Best Thing I Never Had'! That is the TUNE! Congrats from the UK! Keep making music!
9/4/2011 12:53:29 pm
You've inspired so many & given us so much to enjoy; I know I speak for millions when I say we love you for the love you convey in your art. All the best to you & yours; your child will have love coming from all over the world just as you do. Thank you for your music, for your grace, & for your inspiration. & of course, congrats on your newest blessing!
TaQeya McGee
9/4/2011 03:00:17 pm
OMG I have gone up with your music I remember being 4 years old when the No No No Part 1 video came out and me and my cousin i the basement learning all the dance moves. I have been a fan ever since then. There is no one else like you, you are a LEGEND and an ICON already and only 30 years old. You are an inspiration to me. Your music is one of a kind you are a risktaker andfierce in them heels. Well I just want to say congragulations on the new baby and more success in the future. You and Jay are what a real couple means.
Quay Cunningham
9/9/2011 04:09:06 am
Congratulations Beyonce and Jay! You guys are my most favorite celebrity couple in the world and when I found out you guys were expecting your first child together I teared up. I can't believe you are finally pregnant B! I have always been a really big fan of yours and your husband also. I could not be more excited for you guys on your new bundle of joy. Enjoy parenthood!
9/18/2011 01:59:23 am
Dear Beyoncé, im a huge fan from Cameroon (Africa) and my dedication to you has started since the Destiny's Child era. I want to express my gratitude to you because u've always been a source of self confidence to me. Even when I was happy I could enjoy myself in your lyrics. Your songs are deeply empowering women, and expressing the troubles we can face especially in love. That helps me to keep myself up and remember that I have my values to preserve whatever happens.
1/7/2012 04:40:51 pm
1/7/2012 04:42:40 pm
Neia Jimenez
1/7/2012 04:46:05 pm
Beyoncè words can not express the happiness all your fans feel for you on this glorious day. Not only are you my idol, an icon, a business woman, a wife, but you can now add mother to the list. We are all so happy for you and Jay Z and wish you three nothing but more success and happiness. Can't wait for you to make your return in music King Bey. God Bless , I love you <3
Bey's Honeybey
1/7/2012 04:48:13 pm
Dear Sugamama Bey and Daddy Jay
Tarajiah Tyes
1/7/2012 04:48:20 pm
Omgshh Bey and Jay I love you guys sooo much congrats!!!!!!! You guys are an inspiration !!!!!! I know you guys will be great parents. I know Jay will spoil Ivy Blue ROTTEN!!!! Beyonce you ARE LEGENDARY !!! I appreciate your hard work and dedication !!! You're a risk taker, beautiful, TALENTED!! And your voice is just....no one word can define your voice!!! Jay-Z you're my FAVORITE RAPPER!!! I have EVERY album, I can perform 4 you!! You are a BUSINESS MAN!
1/7/2012 04:49:36 pm
Beyoncé I am so happy for you and Jay ! I Love You both! Princess Ivy runs the world already :)
1/7/2012 04:51:06 pm
Dear Beyonce and Jay-Z,
1/7/2012 05:16:05 pm
May god bless you Beyonce & Sean Carter on your new baby girl Ivy Blue. The Carter family completion. I see nothing but great things for your child in the future!
1/7/2012 05:16:54 pm
Ahhhhhhh ! Congrats Bey & Jay on your sweet Princess ! You guys are gone be the coolest parents EVER !!! :D *MUAH* xo
Krysten Renee
1/7/2012 05:20:51 pm
Dear Beyonce & Jay,
1/8/2012 06:10:05 am
Congratulations to you both, Bey and Jay on welcoming your new bundle of joy into this world. If anyone deserves to be happy it should be yall. Again Congrats and I'll be available to babysit any day of the week. #OneLove
1/9/2012 09:29:25 am
Bey, I'm so proud of you (in my Drake voice) lol. I love you so much and have loved you like crazy since i was 5 years old! You are everything that a woman should be, kind, classy, beautiful, and courageous. You have always been and forever will be 'a force to be reckoned with.' Now you're a mom and it makes me smile so much I can hardly stand it lol. You're going to be a great mom to Blue and many more through the grace of God! I'm hoping you guys go for '4' babies and God delivers them unto you! You guys deserve this more than anyone in my eyes. God Bless You and Your Family!!!
1/11/2012 09:26:21 am
Congratulations to my incredible idol Beyonce & to your gorgeous husband Jay on the arrival of Baby Blue. I'm thrilled & so excited for you guys and I think everyone in the Beyhive feels like Aunt's & Uncle's upon Blue's arrival. I can't wait to see your beautiful baby daughter and watch her grow into an incredible little lady. To think of the possibilities her life could bring to the world. May God bless your family and may Blue be blessed with a wonderful, happy, healthy, incredible life.
1/23/2012 07:11:50 am
I LOVE you Queen bee, you are the best singer of this generation, the last generation, and the only person who was a better performer than you was MJ (RIP). You are truly an icon, legend, and superstar!
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Seriously Beyonce`, WTH?!?Most people figure out pretty quickly that I LOVE Beyonce`. She is my queen diva of choice. But every now and then, she does something that irritates or perplexes me. Here, I tell what's been buggin me about the Bee lately (with reviews and love for the Queen Bee in between). Archives
June 2018