Rolling Stone gives in an inside look into our country’s history with off-shore drilling and details the events that possibly lead up to the Gulf spill. To say the least, it’s an interesting read. I highly suggest reading it and drawing your own conclusions about our government’s role in this disaster. Please check the “Associated Links” tab under this date/post to find the link to the full article.
Here are some of my recent facebook statuses regarding politics.
“With all of our money and technology, we can figure out how to go to the moon and make bombs for wars, but we can't figure out how to stop an oil leak? REALLY?!? Maybe I don’t understand the complexities of the leak, but I know that this is a situation that needs to be resolved NOW.” May 24 “Did you know that "ethnic studies" have been banned from schools in Arizona?? This is the same state whose "illegal immigration investigations" involve profiling!!This is why you can’t afford to NOT pay attention to politics young people!!! Perhaps if you paid attention, you wouldn't have a local gov't thats legalizing racism!!” may 13 |
Society/CultureMy personal commentary on politics, race, gender, religion, social class, news media and several other things related to our society and culture. Archives
May 2014