What if married couples had separate bedrooms? I think it might be a good idea. Marriage comes with enough of its own challenges and stressors without having to share a bedroom and blend two very personal living dynamics. You can keep the lights on and go to bed at any hour, hog bed sheets and closet space, snore, play music whenever, masturbate without having a discussion or audience and be messy or clean at your own leisure and discretion. I know the idea of a married couple living in separate bedrooms is unorthodox and may sound awkward, but think about it: As a minor, you CAN’T WAIT to turn 18 or go to college so that you can live and operate as you please without having to ask permission. Then, as a college student, you CAN’T WAIT to get out of a shared dorm and have an apartment so you don’t have to compromise every little aspect of your life, like listening to the radio versus the television. You get your 1st apartment with a room-mate and you think having separate bedrooms is the perfect solution, until you get to arguing about dishes in the sink and significant others wearing out their welcome. Finally, you get a place by yourself, you’re walking around naked and you’re in HEAVEN. Now, all of that has to change because you’ve gotten married. You have to go back to sharing all of your space and property with another person. FOR AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LIVE. Ugh.
Being married with separate bedrooms makes the “1st apartment with a room-mate” scenario slightly more ideal. Your spouse has more common with you than a random room-mate or friend (I would think), walking around naked is still an option, and there’s no such thing as a significant other wearing out their welcome. Another major plus to having separate bedrooms is that when you get angry or just need some quiet “me” time to relax, you can. When you want to be in each other’s faces, convene in the living room or play “my room or yours?” Not with separate bedrooms? Well, what about separate bathrooms, at least? I’m a huge believer in separate bathrooms; it can save ANY type of relationship or living situation. People are pickier about their bathrooms than anything else, which makes sense considering it’s the most intimate space in a home. You do things no one else is supposed to see in the bathroom. No two people have the same lavatory life; it’s meant to live separately. One of my friends used to fuss at me because I left the shower curtain open when I spent the night. I’d be mad because the tub wasn’t clean when I got there. What’s a big deal to one person is small to another. Moral to my story, I think it’s healthy for a couple to create some type of individual space in their home, because after all, we all like to have the convenience of doing things unapologetically our way some time. If you’re wealthy enough, you can have your own wing lol. What do you guys think?